Jing feng san (heard my korean sis-in-law refer it as "scared powder")
This is absolute good stuff IF you believe in TCM and dare to try for your baby! I have tested and so far so good. I cannot say about the impact on her little body and organs on long term (since it's external intake) but I can definitely say that it totally improved her condition miraculously fast!
Okay so the story started with Eva coming down with runny nose which is pretty common for the past few months. Normally it clears off on its own after a few days. However this time it came down hard on her. Within half a day after she started rubbing her nose, she was started to choke on her mucus backflow and phlegm especially when she sleeps. Several times after her milk feed, she would choke on her phlegm and puke some milk. She also couldnt sleep well as she cannot breathe properly and would keep coughing. Normally able to sleep only after she puke some milk together with the phlegm. BUT I have to say she embraced her illness well! She is otherwise active and cheerful, only gets a little irritated at her itchy nose and will rub it agitatedly.
Anyway as her sleep is affected and green mucus was what really alert me that she needs medical help. And so I brought her to the GP who was concerned and decided to put her on antibiotics to prevent sinus infection / lung infection.
Needless to say, feeding medicine wasnt a good experience but I insist on NOT force feeding her so that she will not be scared and makes medicine feeding a worse experience when she grows older. Not to say I am hoping that she will need but well, by nature, I guess she will need.
So after a week of medication fed by myself and infant care teachers, Eva shown significant improvement in her condition but still I can hear the low rumbling sounds of phlegm in her chest and she still had problems during sleep when the mucus start building up.
And since she has completion her course of antibiotics, I decided to put her on Jing Feng San which is traditionally used to calm children who have been scared / shocked. There is actually indications for Young children suffering from fever, stomach wind, sputum (mucus that is coughed up from the lower airways), coughing, restlessness and loss of appetite; if you check the ingredient list, you will find Pearl powder which is also traditionally used to remove the sputum / phlegm. I remember my mum-in-law bought pearl powder for Eva when she was born, supposed to take it during the 1st few days after birth to remove / prevent phlegm development.
Of course, I did not follow the real dosage - 1/3 bottle for Eva who is currently 9 month old (which was indicated on the box but not on the bottle. the bottle only indicates for 1 year and above but on the box actually they did advise on smaller dosage for younger children).
All I did was to wet my index finger, turn the bottle to dab the powder on the finger and rub it into her mouth. Eva likes it! And yes again miraculously, only after 2 days of 2 dosage (day and night), Eva's coughing and rumbling chest sounds stopped! And she slept well throughout the night without coughing / puking any milk!!
I am happy that I tried and impressed that with such little dosage, it actually able to work!
I wont know how long it will take if I continued her with her western medicine which improve her condition but did not managed to clear out the phlegm.
So mummies & daddies, do give it a try if your precious little one is going through similar situation. Dosage should remain no more than a fingertip full of it. Or maybe spatula full will do. I dont think we need or even should follow the full dosage as indicated.
Here are some of the images of the bottle. It costs $13.50 and should be available at all TCM Hall. If there are variations, do check on either the box / bottle to see if there is any indications for kids younger than 1 year old; and/or ask the shop keeper, they would know better since customers normally return and share with them if it does work.

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