I always wanted to get a nasal aspirator before Eva was born as I felt that inevitably babies are going to get runny nose especially when Eva goes to infant care. I wanted to be so ready for it and I even wanted to get that pacifier medicine dispenser! Eventually hubby persuaded me not to get either. I convinced myself too because the bulb type of aspirator didnt look like it is going to work and I was thinking if Eva struggles, this is going to poke right in! So yeah, mind got off the aspirator.
I forgot how and forgot why but somehow one fine day I come across this Pigeon nose cleaner and was reading the instructions behind and was pretty impressed with the product! Like WAHH! that means I do not need to use my mouth to do it directly like how our mums would do! And I thought this makes more sense and suction to the cleaning than the bulb type which I dunno how many pumps I will take to clean out all the mucus. At the same time, I also dunno how many pumps I will take to clean out the insides of the bulb!
BUT this nose cleaner is different!
1. It can be taken apart and clean easily.
2. It comes with a case so I can bring it handy in her diaper bag.
3. The nozzle is rounded and big so I wont risk poking it right into her little nostrils
4. The long tube allows me to do it with a distance from her without needing to lean near her face. It also allows me to use it when hubby is carrying her.
5. There is backflow prevention feature so you wont need to worry about sucking the mucus right into your own mouth.
6. The bottle is transparent so I can see exactly how much mucus I have cleared and the color of the mucus (important to note as yellow/green mucus would imply infection and a need for the doctor!)
So far, I have used it about 2-3 rounds during her more serious bout of cold and runny nose. This time, I even resort to using it to suck out from side of her mouth the throat mucus (aka phlegm) which she managed to dislodge by coughing yet not knowing how to spit out.
I take note not to suck too hard as I do not know how the impact of the suction would feel to her and would it actually harm the membrane in her nose. I read that we should not over clean their nose else it will cause the insides to be sore causing more discomfort.
I will also normally stop when she starts to get irritated and struggles as this may cause the nozzle to hit her in her nostril causing pain and discomfort.
Basically I whip out this nose cleaner whenever she sneezes leaving some trails of mucus on the outside! Recent bout of cold was bad and her mucus were not so runny but more sticky. I couldnt like just suck them out at one go. In the end, I decided that I should use it to suck the sticky mucus out of the nose and clean it off with a tissue than to try sucking it into the bottle. You can get breathless with that and its really awful to have the sticky mucus dangling with the nozzle from her nose with her feeling umcomfortable and upset already with the congested nose.
So yes, pls use with extra care!
Refer below for more information of the item!

Let baby's nose feel clean and refreshed | |
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